Eventually, you put your fist down, and decide to do something about it. You start browsing for some travel deals and destinations, exploring and researching several exciting places to visit. Then, after some time, your energy fades again, and you have several bad scenarios which might happen to make your trip a nightmare. You ditch the plans, and return to your previous boring and lifeless surrounding, feeling dissatisfaction, doubt, and disbelief. This is not your fault. Fear is the reason of your dissatisfaction. Fear is the reason of your doubt and disbelief. You get depressed times when you lament on your lack of satisfaction caused by not traveling anywhere. Today, I’m going to show you why you’re letting fear stop you from reaching your dream vacation, or exploration. I’ll also show you how to deal with specific situations that fears create in your mind to stop you. It’s not that hard. Here are the 11 reasons fear stops you from travelling.

1. Getting out of the comfort zone

You lament over some destination, thinking about how lovely it would be to go there. You have errands around the house, a 9-5 job, and kids to take care of. You’re afraid what might happen when you’re away. It sure would be nice to go to Cambodia right now, and explore the wonders of the hundreds of temples, as well as other lovely attractions, but I’m busy. You think that everything might fall apart while you’re gone. This is the most common example of people who do not want to leave their comfort zone, and to free themselves by visiting the place they dream about. To put this fear behind you, just tell yourself what would be the worst possible scenario that might happen when you’re away. Then think of what you would do to restore the order. Write all the worst scenarios and solutions on a piece of paper and read it several times. You’ll feel the relief, like a weight being lifted from your shoulders. Think of the positive aspects of travelling to your favorite destination. You will find more than 10 reasons to do it. Go and forget about the fear of leaving home. Everything will sort itself out — or you will.

2. Fear of the unknown

Fear of the unknown comes as a supplement of the aforementioned. Anxiety and doubt act as tension boosters. You can have many fearful questions in your mind, usually in rapid fire succession. When you’re preparing for the trip, it’s best to have smart and thorough research about your desired location. There are over a million travel related sites out there which can help. You can make your itinerary, find about places of interest, what to avoid, and where to try best food. Good preparation will get you hyped and anxious about your trip, instead of being afraid.

3. The language barrier

When fear overwhelms your mind, rapid questions and problems start emerging. A language barrier usually comes among the first, boosting unpleasantness and tension. Not being understood in a foreign country, where a small percentage of people speak your language, can lead to unpleasant situations — even trouble. The answer to this problem lies in preparation. When you’re going abroad, get prepared. This includes learning a few basic sentences which will help you in every situation. Things like, “Where is the toilet?”, “I need a taxi”, “Where is the bus station?”, “I want a single/return ticket” and so on, always come in handy. Of course, “please” and “thank you” also go a long way when you’re seeking help from locals. When you think about this, remember that a few basic sentences can save you and help you avoid 85% of complications. Just stick to the itinerary — or your guide.

4. Fear of having a bad experience

When you’re frightened and stressed out, your brain can make you think of many circumstances that might occur. Yes, it’s true it’s great in India, but you can get robbed. You would love to visit New York’s Times Square, but what if it’s too crowded, and maybe you get pushed or somebody attacks you? This fear is based on stress and anxiety. When you feel this way, you can’t see the good and fine things that might happen to you while traveling; you are too focused only on the bad things that might happen. Don’t run around every day like that chicken who yelled, “The sky is falling!” You must calm down, and stop having these bad thoughts. You must tell yourself that you’re being irrational. Relax. Stop making up reasons that might turn you away from traveling and exploring new and stunning locations. Don’t be the small and frightened chicken.

5. Fear of flying

The fear of flying is irrational. It has actually evolved into a medically defined phobia among people. If you’re having problems with the fear of flying, it can be dealt with by preparation and logical thinking. First of all, in today’s world the chances of an airplane falling from the sky are very, very small. Technology is advancing with each passing day, and security measures are near perfection. When you think about it you’ll realize there aren’t many chances for something to go wrong. If this doesn’t help, you can take sleeping pills half an hour before getting in the plane. When the plane starts taking off, you won’t be anxious and hysterical. You’ll be sleeping like a baby. Finally, if you can’t overcome the fear of flying, you can always travel on land. There are many methods of transportation that will get you to your dream destination slower, but safer.

6. The fear of traveling alone

This type of traveling can be exciting. People who have already done this can tell only great things about solo traveling, especially girls. Even though, some people are frightened to even think about it. However, when you’re alone, you can’t rely on anyone. There is no help, and you might need it. This feeling is overrated and not logical. When you’re alone, it’s not true that you can’t rely on anyone. To solve this problem, you can try to persuade your best friend to come along with you if possible. If not, today’s technology can help you a lot. With cameras and an internet connection your best friend can keep you company via Skype or Snapchat. Next, if you are in need of help, you can always ask somebody that passes by. Chances are more than likely that somebody will help you. You might even earn some friends along the way.

7. The fear of getting injured abroad

You might travel to some exotic destinations where you can ride an elephant, or dance all night. However, what if you fall and get hurt? What if that gets serious? Then you factor in the language barrier and get even more stressed. If you need immediate help, you won’t have the time or patience to translate. Again, this fear is irrational because the chances you’ll hurt yourself seriously are usually very slim. However, people can be afraid of this and it might turn some away from having an amazing experience. Remember, there are doctors and medical staff in every country in the world. Furthermore, you can take the international medical insurance that covers all the medical costs in the country where you’re about to go. This will make you feel more secure. Finally, don’t rush into possible dangerous situations, or be reckless. You can twist your ankle in your doorstep if you’re not careful. So imagine what can happen on a steep rocky road or slippery dance floor?

8. The fear of getting robbed

Robberies and scams often happen to tourists, but you can’t do anything about it. You can be the next victim, and end without your belongings, your wallet, credit cards, and more. The nightmare scenario only gets worse the longer you think about it. There is a possibility to get scammed and robbed when you travel. This fear is valid concern. However, if you’re alert and careful, you can significantly lower the chances of getting robbed. Get informed about the destination you’re visiting. Learn about the scams or problems that you might encounter. A good solution to this problem might be to leave your valuables at home. If you need them, keep them in sight at all times, and don’t be reckless. You will be fine.

9. Not being able to afford it

This one is connected with inner disturbances and distress that may come from something in the past, or insecurities. When you tell to yourself, “I can’t afford that trip, that’s too expensive!” you condemn yourself to never move from that couch. Travel can definitely be expensive, but preparing and researching can save you a lot of money by cutting costs, knowing what to choose, including services and goods, accommodation and transportation. There’s a simple way to deal with this problem. If you want to travel, research thoroughly and find the best deal. Then, start saving money for it, no matter how long it takes. Put away a small amount every day. Eventually the sum will grow enough to support your dream vacation trip.

10. Running out of money

This fear comes along with the #9 fear. Many people have a fear of spending all of their money on a trip because of unexpected costs. While you’re preparing for the trip and planning the budget, top the amount with 25% more just to be sure nothing can surprise you. Another variation of this solution is to leave some money with a friend at home who can help by sending it over via Western Union. Now you can travel with relief and not worry about money as much.

11. Getting lost

Some people love to “get lost” when they explore new, exciting destinations. On the other hand, some people get the chills when they even think about leaving their hotel room. This fear puts boundaries in our heads and we freeze in place, not being able to move. That’s how this fear can be dangerous. Too much modern movies of hijacking turned us into scared skeptics. Maps, a GPS system, and a good mood is all that you need for a solution. Make sure your map is written in your own language first. Also ensure your GPS device is set for the country you’re visiting. If both of these methods fail, you can always ask some locals for help. Sometimes getting lost enhances your holidays.

Fear of travel stops us, don’t let it grow inside you.

You’ve seen how many forms fear of travel can take. We gave you answers to every problem that might occur on your travels. Now you notice that there is no need for your irrational fears. This world is enormous, and a million wonders wait for you to discover them. Don’t get paralyzed by fear. Travel and live your life to the fullest! Featured photo credit: S Migaj via unsplash.com