Sometimes we know what to do, but we get distracted, or over-commit, only adding more onto our already full to-do lists. Everything soon feels like a priority, and it is unclear where to start and when to take a break. Going at that rate, burnout, sickness, and exhaustion occur, and then we are useless and can’t get anything done. It will take will power, fortitude, and laser sharp focus to work more efficiently, but avoiding time-wasters can leave you with more time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. These 10 things will help you to work faster AND smarter:

1. Structure

Planning, using productivity tools, and scheduling tasks on your calendar can help. Set yourself up to win by breaking tasks down into manageable chunks, so you can know what is most important to do first, and still have time to take care of yourself, such as eating well, exercising, relaxing, etc. Without self-care, you lose efficiency due to being overworked.

2. Don’t multi-task

There is an illusion that doing many things at once is productive. Instead, it leaves you half-focused, and constantly switching gears. You may have a sense that nothing ever really gets complete this way. Set a timer, and work in 90-minute increments. Focus on that one task either for 90 minutes, or until it is complete. Then, take a break, and move on.

3. Urgent doesn’t necessarily mean important

What someone else thinks is urgent can create a sense of people-pleasing induced panic. If you know it is not important, then prioritize, and do what is most important first instead. You know best how to set your priorities and get your work done. So listen to yourself.

4. Turn it off

Power down those phones, turn off notifications. Set up an autoresponder if you need to, but disconnect in order to avoid distractions. You will get more done, if you focus only at the task at hand and answer to all missd calls and notifications once you’re done.

5. Take breaks

Get up. Move around. Shake it out. Eyestrain and headaches can happen if you look at a computer screen for too long. Get outside for a quick stroll and come back feeling refreshed and energized.

6. Closed door policy

Hunker down and hibernate. People popping in and out of your office creates stops and starts in your productivity and you have to keep starting over again each time. Create true office hours and stick to them.

7. The eye is on the prize

Keep the end in mind – the big picture. Focus on how great it will feel to accomplish the task. You are on your way if you are taking action. Staying focused on the end result can remind you of the big picture, so that unimportant pieces, or your perfectionism, can’t stop you from getting it done.

8. Celebrate the little victories

Projects take many steps until completion. Break down your project into these steps, and then do a little happy dance each time you complete a step. Rather than beating yourself up for what you haven’t done yet, taking time to pat yourself on the back as you go along, can give you the confidence to see it through to the end.

9. Say “no”

Don’t over-commit: When you are already on a tight deadline, don’t take on anything else. Put a moratorium on saying “yes,” to anything new until you complete this project. Don’t leave people hanging, but say you will contact them when you are finished. Stepping outside of the task at hand has you lose focus, and makes you feel overwhelmed and scattered.

10. Stop saying “I’m so busy”

It is complaining, and complaining only makes you  – and everyone around you – feel worse. Instead of saying “I’m so busy”, say “I have already come so much closer to my goal”. This will encourage you to keep going. Featured photo credit: VIKTOR HANACEK via

title: “How To Work Faster And Smarter” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-19” author: “Madeline Shiver”

Check out 10 tips to help you to work smarter and faster.

1. Avoid Multitasking

Although a small amount of people are great at multitasking, for most people multitasking just reduces efficiency. Doing two tasks at once means you’re more likely to make little mistakes, as your brain is jumping from task to task. Focus on one task and fully complete it before moving on to the next one to produce better quality work in the same amount of time – or less!

2. Turn Off Your Non-Essential Technology

Nowadays technology is a huge part of most people’s working day, but it can really slow you down. When are you most productive during your working day? Whether it is first thing in the morning or early in the afternoon, schedule two hours to put your phone on silent and switch off your email notifications. You can ring and email people back once the time is over, but during that time you will work faster because you chose to only focus on your work.

3. Shut The Door While You Work

Many companies have an open door policy at work to encourage openness. However, if you want to work faster, close your door for at least a few hours during the day. Interruptions and distractions are much more likely to happen if the door is open, so cut out the temptation if you want to have an extra productive day.

4. Create A Personalized Structure

Most people tend to work faster and smarter if they have a structure. Remember that everyone is different; something that works well for your boss may not work as well for you. Think about when you are at your most productive, and try to plan your working day around that time. Remember to plan responding to calls and emails, too; most people simply do this throughout the day, slowing down their work and making themselves less efficient.

5. Set A Finish Time

If you know you will be leaving the office at 6, it will help you work more efficiently until then. Knowing you have a deadline will help you to prioritize tasks, as well as making you less likely to procrastinate.

6. Pre-Plan Breaks

Taking short breaks helps you to stay focused so that you work faster and smarter. If you don’t schedule them into your day, you can end up taking breaks that are too long, or not taking any at all, which can result in you becoming stressed or working to a lower standard. Try to spend your break productively – stretch your legs and make a cup of tea, rather than logging onto Facebook.

7. Remember Some Tasks Are More Important Than Others

Many people feel like they have put too much effort into a meaningless task at work at least once. Try to remember this when you decide how important each of your jobs are; some are career-changing and some will never be noticed. If a task only takes 10 minutes, don’t try to make it amazing and spend half an hour on it – it won’t become any more important. Instead, focus on the tasks that you know matter.

8. Set A Bedtime And Keep To It

As well as a work schedule, having a sleep schedule for the days you work will help you to work faster and smarter. You will work more efficiently if you have slept well, so set a bed time that means you get enough sleep, and turn off the internet on your phone so you stick to it.

9. Keep Your Desk And Laptop Clutter Free

The less clutter you have, the less stress you will feel. This especially applies to work when your stress levels are often higher. Keep a clear desktop and desk to make it easier for you to find anything you need, so you don’t have to waste time and you can keep a clear head.

10. Make Sure You Have Everything You Need

Planning ahead and making sure you have everything you need will help to save you time and help you to work faster. Before you start your working day, make sure your phone and laptop are charged, and that you have all of the equipment you need. Having to look for a pencil, or charge your laptop could take quarter of an hour out of your day, and you may struggle to refocus on work afterwards.