If you have certain character traits, such as working out, studies are showing that this could be genetically linked to our mothers. The research has shown a number of things that connect our behaviours to our mothers – particularly things that were conducted during pregnancy, and which have had a lasting effect on us after we are born. So if you like to work out, if you enjoy running sessions, heading to the gym, or simply dancing vigorously, look no further as to where that comes from – the reason might have been right there in front of you all along!

You Might Get It From Your Mom

The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology experimented with mice and weight loss to determine results in pregnant mothers who did and did not exercise. And while they did not see any change or effect for weight loss in the offspring of mice whose mothers did not run, the mothers who did run while pregnant saw a loss of fat in their babies after birth. In other words, science is linking the state of the mother during pregnancy to the state of the child after birth. If the mother exercised during pregnancy the child is said to experience weight loss, similar to if the mother had less fat or ate less fat during the pregnancy, the child would be more inclined to lose weight or have the tendency to eat less fat. So next time you think about exercise (or happily head to the gym) thank your mothers and the yards of effort they put in during your development! In other words, science is linking the state of the mother during pregnancy to the state of the child after birth. If the mother exercised during pregnancy the child is said to experience weight loss, similar to if the mother had less fat or ate less fat during the pregnancy, the child would be more inclined to lose weight or have the tendency to eat less fat. So next time you think about exercise (or happily head to the gym) thank your mothers and the yards of effort they put in during your development!

Similar Exercise Habits

The same goes for exercise. If your mother exercised during pregnancy, the FASEB state that the child is more likely to develop these habits also. So if you enjoy working out, it could be because your mother was working out while pregnant with you! Researchers say that there are direct results linked to fat loss within children whose mothers were running during the pregnancy. Although mice are a far cry from humans, it is possible that these attributes are similarly being passed on to our children. Children whose parents are active and move around them and with them a lot are more likely to develop similar patterns, just as children whose parents are inactive and lack motivation are likely to have similar attitudes and thoughts toward exercise. Developmental Programming is the theory that a baby’s body and DNA are influenced by the experiences it has while being in the womb, and also after being born. The idea is that these influences and prenatal experiences have long-lasting effect after the birth, and not just int terms of exercise. The theory states that this also can be true of weaker organs or effected immune systems, The idea is that these influences and prenatal experiences have long-lasting effect after the birth, and not just int terms of exercise. The theory states that this also can be true of weaker organs or affected immune systems, though breastfeeding is also said to improve a baby’s immune system.

The Positives

The studies show how this can potentially assist in the global fight against obesity. Over 600 million people were documented as being obese in 2014, with enormous levels of inactivity and poor diets in western culture. If we can associate positive exercise and diet habits with genetics, we can have awareness about healthier lifestyles for our children and their development. If our dietary habits while pregnant are resulting in higher likeliness of obesity with our children, we can take efforts to care for our bodies for both our children’s sake and for our own.