Introducing Kidsmap, an interactive map that aims to inspire adventure and travel in children. Creator and fine beard grower Simon Schuetz didn’t know that Easter Island was a real place until he was fifteen. Since then Schuetz, who is originally German, has lived in Switzerland, the U.S., Peru, Brazil, Chile and now resides in Bali. As an avid traveller, Schuetz hopes to inspire the younger generation to explore the world from a young age and so Kidsmap was born. The final product will be a 38″ x 22″ map, with 140 removable stickers and quiz cards, which will cost around $35 all together. Their Kickstarter goal is set at $12,000, a third of which has currently been reached. If you wish to help Simon and his team out, you can pledge here. How important do you think exploration and travel is to living a fulfilling and adventurous life? And where’s somewhere you’ve always wanted to go or the best place you’ve been to? Let us know! Featured photo credit: The Kidsmap: For the Explorers of Tomorrow via