Who are you? Well, I´m a 26 year old student living on west coast of Sweden. I´ve got a degree in journalism and I´ve also studied movies for three semesters. I really like House, seafood, Pez, good quotes, Veronica Mars, clementines (I eat them like popcorn), telling people about things, Cantata no.140 by Bach, Ralph Wiggum and warm summer days with clear blue skies. I’ve recently (in September 2006) started blogging about personal development at The Positivity Blog. What have you done to increase your productivity? First, I tried to find some methods to decrease my – for many years, enormous – tendencies to procrastinate. I´m starting to get the procrastination more and more out of the way and that feels pretty good. One method that I use is to make a small deal with myself: I just do 5 minutes of work on the thing I procrastinate about. When those 5 minutes are over I can stop if I want and set a time for another 5 minutes some time later. But usually when those 5 minutes are over I have some momentum and just continue working. I’ve started writing down everything I need/want to do in a program called My Life Organized using some sort of GTD-template that comes with the program. I haven´t gotten into GTD that much yet though. I use my lists, ordered in different categories, and then I apply the Pareto Principle and other methods to figure out what is most important for me to do right now and how to declutter my life from the less important stuff. One way I discovered recently to get things done was through Eckhart Tolle´s seminar-dvd “The Flowering of Human Conciousness”. Simple and effective stuff that really helps reduce the fear, anxiety and old habits that often can stop one from being, among other things, productive in life. What is your best life hack? Investing in myself. By that I mean reading/listening/watching products from various branches of personal development and making it a habit. I really like the advice that you should spend an hour each night reading. Even if you don´t have an hour each night it´s good to try to find some free time. For instance, I like to listen to audiobooks on personal development while doing the dishes and riding the bus. Find small patches of time to reinvest in yourself. Over time these small chunks add up and can make a big change. What are your favorite posts at lifehack.org? I really like 9 tips in Life that Lead to Happiness. Wonderful stuff. I especially like the points about spending a couple of minutes every day thinking about the things that make you happy and to find solutions to problems instead of wallowing in self-pity. Are you confident on your life being productive – like Henrik’s story? Have you applied lifehacks, tips and tricks that help you get through procrastination or any parts of your life? Send us an email – tips at lifehack.org, I am happy to help you to share your experience. Previous Productive Interviews: Andy Mitchell, Patrick Rhone

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