20. You Celebrate Your Success

You aren’t afraid to admit when you have made a mistake, mistakes are just hiccups on the pathway to success. And when you have success, you celebrate yourself. A little champagne toast, a happy dance or even a high five to the mirror is sufficient. Reminding yourself on a daily basis of all the great things you do reinforces the things you can do more of and to motivates you to keep going when success seems scarce.

19. You Know Exactly What You Like and Aren’t Afraid to Ask For It

Knowing what you want is the first step. Having a strong sense of who you are begins with knowing what you like. If you aren’t sure what you like, you can start with what you don’t like and surmise that the opposite might be your preference. Once you know what you want, be comfortable and assertive in asking for it. You never know if you don’t ask.

18. You Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses

A self-actualized person is attuned to both their strengths and weaknesses. They use their strengths and find a team to support them in their weak areas. I know I am an idea person and my husband is great at planning so together we are both more capable than apart.

17. You Have a Strong Sense of Purpose

People who love themselves and take care of themselves have a great capacity to recognize their purpose or dharma and act on it. If you are feeling like you are lacking direction or purpose, spending some time on self-care is an excellent way to re-boot your connection to purpose and recharge your energy to keep moving forward.

16. You Have Strong Connections

When you love yourself, others are attracted to this energy like moths to a flame. This allows you to develop strong bonds with friends and family. According to positive psychology expert Dascher Keltner, people who have strong social connection are happier.

15. You Enjoy Feeling Strong Emotions

You might be overwhelmed by a cheesy commercial or by seeing an elderly couple holding hands at the mall. These emotions feel great and rather than suppressing them you have learned to love them, recognizing that how you feel is your body’s way of telling you what you want or don’t want in life.

14. You Listen To Your Body

You don’t follow the latest diet craze but you do recognize what feels good for you both physically and emotionally and you prioritize what feels right to you.

13. You Trust Your Gut Feelings

Part of listening to your body is trusting your intuition. When you have a gut feeling you trust it. You understand that your own hunches are usually spot on even when they fly in the face of popular opinion.You know that you are your best expert.

12. You Are Not Defined by How You Look

This doesn’t mean that you don’t look fabulous. Your focus is more on how you want to feel and quite often this means you look beautiful because you feel beautiful. You exude an attractive energy that those around you are drawn to.

11. You Have A Killer Sense of Style

It might be trendy, it might be retro, it could be bold vibrant colors or chic black. Whatever your style, you wear it because you love it and this shows.

10. You Fuel Your Body with Sleep & Healthy Food

In the words of Oprah’s life coach, Martha Beck, “Rest until you feel like playing then play until you feel like resting.” You also recognize that splurging occasionally on a treat is a wonderful reward. Being healthy doesn’t mean you don’t get to enjoy an occasional chocolate treat. You know moderation is healthier than restriction.

9. You Love Spending Time Outdoors

Nature lifts your spirits and recharges you when you are feeling drained. You recognize that a walk on the beach or in the woods feels as good for you as a massage.

8. You are Authentic

You tell the truth. This doesn’t mean you are brutally honest. It does mean that if a friend wants an honest opinion, you are the place she can get it. Authenticity feels good coming from you because you are caring, kind and compassionate.

7. You Always Admit When You Are Wrong

And why wouldn’t you?! You know that mistakes are inevitable but the fastest way to fix them is to take ownership and move on.

6. You Expect the Best

Your thoughts become your reality. By expecting the best you often get it. And you always respond with gratitude.

5. You Don’t Hold on To the Past

The past doesn’t have a hold on you. You recognize that living in the past keeps you from moving forward. If you are exhausting all your energy holding on to old stuff, you don’t have arms wide open to embrace the present.

4. You Have Great Stories

People who care for themselves have a richly woven the tapestry of their personal history. They are proud of who they are and how they got that way. They are aware of how they have evolved and can tell inspiring stories that encourage others to keep dreaming and daring.

3. You Are Surrounded By Inspiring People

You enjoy having people in your life who love themselves and treat themselves well too. You have wonderful conversations about dreams and goals and you have an instant cheering section for your next adventure.

2. You Don’t Save Things for Special Occasions

When you get a new dress or purse, you don’t save it waiting for the “right occasion”. You recognize that now is the best time for joy.

1. You Like Who You See When You Look in the Mirror

Whether you are headed to the beach or a black-tie ball you like how you look and how it feels to be in your skin. My favorite self-care routine is my morning meditation. And as an occasional indulgence I love a pedicure. How about you? What do you do that prioritizes YOU?