But what is love? Do they really know what love truly means? Sometimes we have misinterpreted love or we have never realized that love is just around us. When you understand the true meaning of love, your life will be more fruitful and satisfying.

What We Were Wrong About Love

Real Love Is Different from Emotional Attachment

It’s always a common misunderstanding that we confuse real love with emotional attachment. But there’s a subtle difference between the two.

The Difference Among Love, Like and Lust

Don’t confuse love with like and lust. They may have something in common but there’s a clear difference between them. Mixing them up can result in a hurtful experience.

The Subtle Difference Between “Love” and “In Love”

Being in love and to love are two different states. Here are the signs when someone is in love.

True Love Can Be Easily Mixed up with Other Types of Love

What makes true love so precious is its rarity. Most often when you think you have finally found your true love, it is actually other types of love in disguise.

Is Love at First Sight Love?

Is “Love at First Sight” a myth? Do people really love at first sight?

What Really Is Love

Looking at Love from Different Perspectives Gives Different Definitions of Love

Love does not have a fixed definition. When we look at it differently, we have a different interpretation of love.

The 5 Stages of Love (The Last 2 Stages Are the Most Challenging Ones)

Falling in love consists of a series of stages. Some go through them quickly and become a life-long romantic couple, while some simply stay at the earlier stages. Featured photo credit: Stocksnap via stocksnap.io