1. We do not necessarily need to have red, itchy, and watery eyes to have an allergy attack

While most commonly red and watery eyes tend to be a clear sign of allergies, they are not the only detectors of an allergy attack. Sinus pressure can be one of the most painful experience but yet with no visible signs to anyone but the allergy sufferer. Other common but silent symptoms of allergies include tension headache, postnasal drip, and lethargy.

2. We must include tissues and sanitizers in our budget

This may seem like a trivial item to most but to an allergy sufferer, forgetting to pick up a few boxes of tissues for all common areas in the home along with sanitizers can warrant a sudden u-turn. During peak times for allergy attacks, many small factors can trigger a slur of sneezes and sometimes your nostrils become so irritated that simply inhaling becomes painful and thus you are forced to constantly cover your nose. In the same light, sanitizing your living quarters becomes a daily routine to maintain a clean area but to also rid the home of allergens.

3. Sometimes it is hard for us to find a comfortable atmosphere

At times, an allergy sufferer may seem like they are undecided when the choice might seem simple to others. In the winter time, while most people might relish the comfort of a heated home, we fear the impending nose bleed that might ensue the minute the hot dry air enters our sinuses.  When others look forward to venture into the outdoors, we tend to make a mental note of all of the trees in the surrounding to verify that none of them will trigger an attack.

4. We dread nighttime

While most would think that allergy sufferers would relish the thought of a long night’s sleep, it is the complete opposite. It is not that we do not want to rest, it is simply that there is so much going on that we are unable to. Between the sneezing, the sinus pressure, and the tension headache, sometimes it becomes difficult to breathe and laying down tends to aggravate the situation.

5. Prescription medication only alleviates the pain

One of the worst sentences that can be uttered to an allergy sufferer is “why don’t you take your prescription?” While prescriptions can help us get back to our daily activities, they do not eradicate the symptoms of an allergy attack. As they are most of the time the only alleviation available to us, we are usually very punctual about dosage and ensuring that we constantly carry them with us. Being an allergy sufferer means that you have to accustom yourself with the changes in seasons, the common triggers that will set off an attack, as well as the various remedies that you will need to quickly obtain in order to adequately prepare for the possible attacks. As the season changes and you encounter allergy sufferers, keep in mind that allergies are a condition that encompasses more than just sneezing and watery eyes and is an ongoing ailment that continually requires different accommodations. Featured photo credit: Day 260 Allergies/ Parrchristy via flickr.com