Stop Caring What Others Think

Do you tend to place far too much importance on what someone else is thinking and how they might be passing judgement on your actions? Stop! When you prioritize the opinion of others over your own, you will end up miserable. Have the confidence to judge for yourself what is the best way forward for you. No-one else can fully appreciate what it’s like to live you life, and their opinions may well be based on faulty assumptions and incorrect information anyway.

Stop Comparing Yourself With Others

It’s tempting to calibrate your worth and success by looking at what other people have, but this is a waste of time. We are all unique individuals who must follow our own paths, and so to compare ourselves to others is pointless. Moreover, comparisons too often result only in envy, which can poison relationships. Instead, congratulate others on their triumphs and focus on your own personal goals.

Stop Sacrificing Your Happiness For Someone Else

Have you put your dreams on hold to cater for someone else’s desires or lifestyle preferences? For example, perhaps you have moved to a place you dislike in order to support your partner’s career, or maybe you have taken on a less enjoyable job so you can spend more time caring for a demanding relative. Sacrificing your own happiness may feel noble but in the long run it seldom works well. Self-sacrifice leads to bitterness and resentment, whereas self-fulfilment and chasing one’s dreams often results in contentment and fulfilment. Try to strike a compromise between supporting others and leading the kind of life you want.

Stop Waiting To Get What You Want

We all have a limited amount of time on this planet, and no-one knows when their time will end. With this sobering thought in mind, ask yourself what you have done lately to make progress towards your goals. Others can help you along the way as you pursue a dream, but ultimately the initiative and energy must come from you. Make 2017 the year you stop waiting and start taking actions.

Stop Wasting Time On Meaningless Stuff

Time is the most precious commodity of all. You can always make more friends and earn more money, but time spent is time you will never see again. Stop wasting time on frivolous pursuits and learn how to focus. It’s important to relax once in a while, but if you want to lead your ideal life then you need to clarify your aims and devote the majority of your time to making sure they are realized.

Stop Focusing On The Negative

Life is a mixture of the good, the bad, the neutral and the ugly. Your experience of life will largely depend upon the perspective you choose to take. If you focus on the negatives in every situation, you are training yourself to view the world through a negative lens. This means that potential opportunities will pass you by, and your belief in the potential of positive change will gradually erode away. Try to find the positive in every situation and life will feel much more bearable. Spending time with other positive people can help you develop this habit.

Stop Being Trapped By Peoples’ Expectations Of You

Our relatives, friends, colleagues and society at large all place huge expectations upon us. We are told that in order to be considered a successful human being we should obtain a “good” degree, secure a high-paying job, find our soulmate in our twenties, get married and raise a happy family. At the same time, we are expected to maintain a large circle of good friends, to always act as good citizens, and to keep our vulnerable side hidden. All these expectations can weigh heavily upon us and increase the risk of depression and other mental health problems. Try to take a more realistic view of life, and separate your desires from those imposed upon you by external forces. Take time to know yourself and shape a life that suits you rather than following the expectations of the crowd.